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Thursday 18 May 2017


Who is this ‘I’? Or a more pertinent question should be who is the owner of ‘I’? The very obvious answer to this question should be “I am the owner of I”. But let us examine it a bit more closely. Is the ‘I’ we think of is the controller of function of our kidney? Or liver, heart, blood flow in our arteries and veins? Well not the conscious I. We are not owner or controller of the I that controls every movement of our bodies. Now how much different is our mind from our liver? The mind is nothing but a function of our brain. And the brain is just another organ like kidbney but much more complex. This mind or brain is just some chemical reactions and electrical impulses of brain which we do not control. Therefore we are not owners of our conscious mind or the so called I also. Our minds which are nothing but series of thoughts are not controlled by our ‘I’. The source of thoughts is that I which controls our kidneys and livers and so on.  Who is that ‘guy’...the real ‘I’? Atheists would call it nature. Others would call it God; source of all ‘I’ s. And that I or the essence is everywhere. I mean are we not just bunches of atoms (or more fundamental particles if you like) examining other or the same atoms. Which or who is the Examiner within these atoms? And examining Whom?

Sunday 2 April 2017


Einstein met Rabindranath in 1930 at Einstein's home near Berlin. Among other things they had a remarkable conversation about nature of Universe. To Einstein universe was objective..that is, it exists independent of whether I or you or anybody exists in it. This is simple to conceive. After all universe was there before my birth and will remain after my death. Tagore's view, on the other hand, was that universe is subjective, Let us think about Tagore's view. The universe I know or feel is only within my consciousness. Without my conscious experience of the universe there is no other universe. This universe exists only within my consciousness ( so does your's). So universe is subjective. It is there because of our conscious experience of it. There is no universe without our consciousness. So both Einstein and Tagore were correct, isn’t it? Now if we take a little help of simple algebra, like a=b, we must admit that objective universe= subjective universe. That is, outside=inside. Therefore everything is One. That is what Upanishads say. You are the universe and the One. Not your body,but the eternal consciousness that dwells inside you. That is unborn and deathless. Since everything is One, it is independent of time and space because time and space means separation. If there is only One there is no time and space in it. It is eternal and deathless, So the big 'I' inside you and I are one and this is unborn and immortal.