Friday 11 January 2013


Lust and anger are perhaps two most hated words in holy text books.
We need these two things for our survival. Without lust there is no creation. Every living being in some way or other has to have at some point a little bit of lust to procreate and the survival of its genes.
In fact the in Hindu holy books it is suggested that God created this world out of his lust.
Lust is a central thing that brings the two opposite sexes closer and eventually to procreation.
However lust, if not used in a prudent and deliberate manner is destructive. The rise of lust reduces the cognitive abilities of mind. The mind becomes erratic and agitated and the faculty of judgment is lost. We are prone to hasty and destructive decisions if the mind is full of lust most of the time. Lust has a way of dragging people to greater and greater amount of mental and physical pain and ignominy.
However without a pinch of lust the world loses its meaning. In fact all the color and beauty of the world is almost lost without a bit of lust. In fact the day we will stop lusting completely we will cease to exist because the basic urge to live on will be gone.
Anger is very similar to lust. It is needed for existence. Without a bit of anger we lose our ability to protest and protect ourselves from the hands of predators.
But anger also has same effect on mind as lust by making it volatile and losing the basic power of judgment. An angry mind is incapable of deep thinking and thoughtful decisions. Uncontrolled anger can not only destroy us but an angry mind has the ability to bring misery and pain to lot of other people.
But with total lack of anger we will lose the ability to defend ourselves and survive .Just like lust it is an essential part of life.
So the key word is control. When used in a controlled and prudent manner these two vital but dangerous elements of our existence make our life beautiful and meaningful. For that we need regular mental and physical exercise and discipline. Yoga and meditation are two things which are very helpful in keeping these two things under check.
To do any meaningful work we need a calm and controlled mind .And lust and anger destroys them.
Surprising the urge to do a meaningful work has foundation in lust and anger, basic ingredients to enjoy our existence and protect ourselves.

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