Friday 4 January 2013


Have you ever thought if there is a personal God?
I think most of us agree that there is a cosmic power that moves everything in universe or universes. All the matter and energy as deciphered by science interact in a way which is most of the times incomprehensible to us. But we know they do ,actually matter and energy are same .
But the question is ,is there a personal god who cares for little me? For my health, wealth and happiness? That is a question we all ask.
Have you ever had a deep healing sleep? It is a most precious thing in the world. It comes naturally. If you are having sleep problem you may take sleeping pills but it does not guarantee a deep healing sleep .It causes drowsiness and hangovers. If it happens with or without sleeping pills it seems to happen by chance.
I had such a sleep yesterday. For a few days I was burdened with worries and my inaction. Try as I may I could not sleep well. Not even with the help of sleeping pills.
I dwelled on the thought of suicide a few times. I thought of my useless life etc. Each day I got up irritated  from lack of sleep and went to bed with a heavy heart. Try as I may I could not rectify it.
Suddenly yesterday I slept well and a healing, peaceful and joyful feeling came inside my being. I dreamt strange dreams. In my dream I saw my wife and relatives naked although I was dressed. They all were playing and sleeping over sand dunes. After I got up with a freshness that I have not long enjoyed.
And  this thought came to my mind. Whether god is personal? This sleep and health and joy I was craving for suddenly came to me without knowing. I could not get it with all my trying and suddenly it came.  And the central thing that came to my mind is that we must not crave for anything. If it has to come it will come naturally. We should even leave the thought that we must do something in life. That is central. Then automatically comes a relief and we are free to from our pain. In fact we cannot even do that. If that thought comes to our mind that is not in our control. All that happened to me, this sleep etc. came automatically. It is the same cosmic power that drives the universe made me sleep well. And gave me power to be happy and think well again. And clear thinking opens up road to wealth. So that same cosmic power is my personal god as well. That cosmic power cares for my well being.
You may say we must TRY. But as I went on thinking I found that we cannot try on our own will. In fact the very thing WILL comes from that very cosmic power and when we have that we surge ahead with an indomitable force. When that power is not behind us we cannot do a thing. You may say why do not pray? Well when you are in the down in deep dumps there is not even the will to pray. So praying, trying and everything else is a boon to us from that cosmic power which is personal god in a way.
We are composed of matter and energy and as I told you matter and energy are interchangeable. But we have minds. So in some way matter and energy in some way must have minds too , the essence is in them. If the cosmic power is made up of matter or energy that cosmic power must have a mind of its own . You may argue that if matter and energy combine in a particular manner we have a mind. My argument is the essence of mind must be inside every particle or non particle in universe other wise mind would not have come from . That intrinsic thing, which we call mind, is inside everything in this universe or universes . We are made up of our body, that is a chemical composition of a few things. That chemical composition and energy impulses inside it creates mind. So if that intrinsic thing were not inside these chemical things and the energy generated by them, we would not have minds. Therefore the cosmic power has also a mind. And that cosmic power with a mind drives me.  Therefore I have a personal God.
And that personal God made me write this.


  1. I don't make a difference between Personal God or just God. If we believe in God , all of us are children of His and He is One and personal to everybody.
    I believe some power is of course driving us in all our deeds either it is dream or actions. And more we can develop our Swattic Gunas , more we will be peaceful, the feeling you had after your nice sleep that day....
