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Monday 11 June 2012


When we go out in a street most of the times it happens that we are  preoccupied in thoughts of the work we have to do, many tensions and worries, or even walking in the street safely .We do not have time or mood to look at other people unless something is very conspicuous about them.
However sometimes when we go out and weather is good and cool and not too many worries bogging down the mind we look at other people find sometimes we are looked at. Our nature need that sometimes we are appreciated for our looks. Not everybody in the world is endowed with a very attractive appearance. However each and everybody sometimes has the good fortune of being looked at as God denies none.
Sometimes it so happens that you dress up and go out just with a purpose of being looked at. You feel good when you are looked at admiringly and disappointed when people completely ignore you and angry if somebody gives hostile look.
There are different kind of looks. The indifferent look, the admiring look, the surreptitious look, the hungry and animal look, the hostile look and also the no look.
The times we feel best when we find somebody rather attractive and suddenly that person looks back with same admiration. We are engulfed by a very pleasant feeling and sometimes it makes our day.
Sometimes we find that many people are noticing and looking at us and sometimes nobody does. We get a little confused about the attractiveness of our appearance. I tried to analyze why it so happens.
A baby looks almost invariably cute. It is fresh in the world, embodying all the innocence and naiveté. Its body is fresh. So we find them pleasing to look at. Also it has almost no ego, so we are not encumbered with thoughts how it may feel if looked at.
As we grow up the body gets older. The innocence slowly evaporates. We are encumbered with worries, tensions, ego and the simplicity in our eyes goes away. Also some of us are naturally more physically attractive than others. But as the years goes by our appearance is affected by how we lead our life, how much difficulty we face in life, how disciplined we are and in what mood we are. The happier frame of mind we are in and having good thoughts, more it reflects in our faces, our walks and general demeanor.
So at a particular time our look is dependent on not only our genetic composition but also the way we have experienced our live and what we have in our mind in that particular moment. The more grown up we are the more our looks are earned.
There is another factor .Whether you will be looked at depends greatly on the mental state of the looker. A person may be preoccupied with his or her own worries or feeling pleasant or angry, secure or insecure, filled with physical desire or not. Sometimes we feel that the other person is consciously trying not to look at us .That I feel is also is  some kind of look and it may happen due to any number of reasons.
Finally there is this heavenly look. We see the face of Buddha or Jesus or Lord Krishna and we are filled with serenity, compassion and ethereal joy. On very rare occasions we see such looks in a living person and feel the touch of God among us.

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