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Tuesday 12 June 2012


I was wondering whether we are really responsible for what we do.Are we really doer of the deeds we do? At first glance the answer is obvious,yes.But if we delve a little deeper we come to a somewhat different conclusion.We do what our brain or mind tells us to do.Our actions are results of our thoughts. But what we think is a result of the combination of factors for which we are not responsible.The first factor is our genes,with which we are made up of. What our brain cells are made up of depend on these genes.And the brain directs us to do what we do at a certain point of time.Now we are not the manufacturers of our genes.We are not responsible for it.We inherit from our parents,they again from their parents and so on.In effect  this chain goes back to the creation of life which is again dependent on some cosmic forces about which we are not sure .
Our thoughts are also dependent on our education and experience.We learn things at first which we are forced to ,starting from uttering the first meaningful word which are tought by others .We go to school and read books etc. which we are given to us to read.We study some things  because either we are forced to do it by others or we like those (which is again dependent on our genes and previous experience).So basically all our education is a chance happening.
So also our experiences. At every moment of life something is happening around us,in this earth and more generally in this universe.Each incidence directly or indirectly affects our experience. A friend comes,tells you something and that may alter your thinking drastically.Even those who are by chance reading this article may begin to think very differently afterwards. This changed thinking will change your way of action. In the next moment some brick may fall over your head which may alter your actions radically. This is a chance happening which causes your actions.If you consider carefully  everything is a chance happening,from your birth to death. The sperm which entered  the egg of your mother’s womb was a chance happening (which is responsible for your genes).You marry someone you chanced to meet and it changed your life.So is everything else.
So we can say what we do at a particlar moment is a chance happening ( because it is dependent on the three factors,namely our genes,experience and education which are all chance happenings).
We can go even deeper. The way we look ,the way our body and health are, are all dependent again on what our genes are and what we do ( like whether we exercise or not,whether we take such and such  drugs, whether we got some disease for some reason) and our experience  ( we  look diffrently at different times according to our moods or whether one has a deep scar on his face as a result of chance happening.)
Who am I? One would probably say I am a summation of how I look, I behave and and I do at a certain point of time .Whatever I said before suggests that all these factors are chance happenings and I am not responsible for them.In fact this word I seems to lose it’s value.Because when I say I am doing this we are actually referring  to a chance happening.Actually I can not pinpoint what I am, whether it is my eyes or nose or any physical attribute or my behaviour or my deeds.And nothing is controlled by this so called I.All are chance factors at a certain point of time.
So we cannot really define I.


  1. Han Duluda, porlam. I fully agree what you said. Kintu amar mone hoy ei search ta thekei manusher adhyatmik aniubhutir suru hoy. amader ei nasshar jibaner uddeshyai Ami ke , setake jana. It is beyond mere Chance Happening.

    1. Exactly is a journey to know oneself and the cosmos dwells in oneself.. I just tried to point out that that the ego about I is pointless what we call I cannot be really pinpointed.
